Jackson Partners

Jackson Partners are one of the most well established debt negotiation companies in the UK. From the start our company was formed to provide advice to thousands of people with their personal finances by offering honest and clear advice.

Jackson Partners is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), we follow their code of conduct to ensure that our clients receive the best advice and best solutions possible.

Having financial commitments that are more than you can afford each month is a difficult situation to be in, this is where our expert advice will help you, if you're struggling to repay your creditors each month you're not alone more and more people are finding it hard to kep on top of their finances.

Our advisors will provide you with confidential, impartial expert debt advice and you find the you the best solution that will make repaying your debts more affordable.

Please contact us for further advice or visit out main web page.

Debt Collections Rise

The UK is facing a rising number of debt collections as more and more Britons find themselves at the mercy of the agencies sent after them to take their money, the problem has increased over time to such an extent that now collections of unpaid debt are said to account for an effective one thousand pounds for every man woman and child in the country, The total of such debts nearly 60 billion pounds.

£60,000,000,000.00 in debt.

And while this may be the average of the debts collected, it isn't being shared out quite so equally. This debt is burdened by some of those that find themselves in extraordinary circumstances and in debt personally to the tune of many thousands of pounds, often to a range of different debtors.

The total figures involved state that the level of debts actively being sought after by collection agencies has shot up by not just thousands of pounds, not just millions of pounds but a staggering six billion... in just the last half a year. This is a clear and inescapable fact that a vast number of the UK are having issues maintaining their personal finances.

It's big business for debt collection agents as they cash in on chasing the debts, often through less than scrupulous methods, In addition to the persons original debt massive fees are added to accord for the work these agencies carry out.

More details can be see in the publications of the Credit Service Association (CSA), The Debt Collection Agencies or Debt Buyers which specialise in these matters have stated that some 32 million debts are actively being chased after a rise of over ten percent.

A key component of the shocking rise in collection of unpaid debts is the predominance of so called pay-day loans, short term high interest loans which come with their own charges that the customer is often unaware of and goes only to compound an issue of personal debt.

If you are considering attempting to cover unpaid debts via a short term loan, or if you are already in a position where agencies are chasing you for money, get in touch with Jackson Partners today. Don't wait before it reaches a critical stage. We can help you take control of your finances.

Learn more about Bailiffs and what they can do to collect from you from our main website Click Here.