Jackson Partners

Jackson Partners are one of the most well established debt negotiation companies in the UK. From the start our company was formed to provide advice to thousands of people with their personal finances by offering honest and clear advice.

Jackson Partners is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), we follow their code of conduct to ensure that our clients receive the best advice and best solutions possible.

Having financial commitments that are more than you can afford each month is a difficult situation to be in, this is where our expert advice will help you, if you're struggling to repay your creditors each month you're not alone more and more people are finding it hard to kep on top of their finances.

Our advisors will provide you with confidential, impartial expert debt advice and you find the you the best solution that will make repaying your debts more affordable.

Please contact us for further advice or visit out main web page.

Debt Management and You.

If you've found yourself in a position where your repayments to credit companies is taking up all your available money, perhaps to a point where you are struggling to keep up with essential costs, It could be time to consider a debt management plan (DMP).
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A debt management plan is an agreement drawn up between yourself and your creditors which arranges that you shall agree to make certain payments with a view to clearing your debt, this agreement might be in place for several years and you should be aware that you will have to upkeep your promise of payments over that period.

It is possible to draw up this agreement for yourself, or alternatively, use a third party client to arrange the details. Jackson Partners can be that third party intermediary, offering many years of successful debt reduction for many people, Jackson Partners takes pride in itself for its debt management programs.

Having this buffer means that during what can be a very stressful period, in which creditors and debt collection agencies are actively chasing unpaid debts, you have someone else acting in your best interest.

Acting as an intermediary Jackson Partners understand and already have existing relations with crediting companies and have years of experience in dealing with DMPs, As a debt management company Jackson Partners is already in a better position to negotiate with the lender on your behalf.

As a company we do ask for fee’s based on our debt management services, as a customer of Jackson Partners you will find our service to be precise, impartial and confidential. Importantly each plan is personalized to the individual’s needs.

You can approach Jackson Partners for free consultation about debt management with no obligation to enter into our service. Be aware undertaking a DMP becomes a financial responsibility. Failure to upkeep payments could require more substantial debt reduction methods which could include personal bankruptcy, the ramifications of which are substantial.

Debt management plans are not the perfect solution in all cases. Your personal financial situation is the most important indicator of the whether one is right for you. Talk to Jackson Partners today if you need any advice about managing your money.